Artist: Tanlines
Album: Mixed Emotions
Label: True Panther Sounds
Release Date: March 20, 2012
Review by: Sean Kayden
Jesse Cohen and Eric Emm, the dynamic duo behind Tanlines, have already been on the scene for a couple years. However, it’s not until now that the boys from Brooklyn have released their debut LP, “Mixed Emotions.” The influences range from pop, indie, dance and even world music. The aptly titled record is exactly what the record feels like—a collection of mixed emotions developed into one of the most vivacious sounding records thus far this year. On the lyrical forefront, it’s a fairly conventional outing. Despite the customary lyrics, the real attraction is the band’s overall sound and how Emm’s sprightly vocals oscillate with each line. The music absolutely brings the listener to a completely new emotional elevation. The bending of genres is both brilliant and utterly alluring. There is something naturally genial about “Mixed Emotions.” The songs are constructed in such an effervescent, expressive, and earnest manner. When Tanlines feel like slowing things down a bit, in songs such as, “Abby,” “Rain Delay,” and “Cactus” the transition from a lively paced sound palette to a more ethereal soundscape is done so smoothly. “Mixed Emotions” was appropriately released on the first day of spring because this is the record to uplift your mood from the grimness of a dead winter to the exuberance of a fresh start as the new season becomes underway.
The first single, “Brothers,” is positively addicting. It’s as a cool as a spring breeze with the synths mimicking the wash of an ocean tide. “Mixed Emotions” starts off indisputably strong, but does it hold that grasp the entire time? Track number two, “All Of Me,” is a pure, unadulterated dance-pop tune. You’ll shimmy and grove to the infectious beats and high-tempo energy it puts on. Third time is certainly the charm when you get to “Green Grass.” It’s money and hands down the most fun song off the record. It’s absolutely striking with an unusual hint of a Bruce Springsteen covered behind a synthesizer. Tanlines make no fallacious moves nor do they ever appear to be facetious. Their sound is thoroughly distinctive yet you can hear the influences and sense the inspirations that made this record possible. For fans of their earlier work, this full-length album was worth every bit of wait.
I’m not sure if another album this year will be filled with so much raw passion, vitality, and ebullience. It’s considerably amazing how everything feels perfectly executed. Tanlines have composed a record with songs that will either have your feet moving to the beats, your mind contemplating whatever troubles you, or your heart finding much needed relief. Even if you don’t deeply connect with the lyrics, you’ll discover something to become attached with in each and every song. The Brooklyn natives go above and beyond with “Mixed Emotions,” making it a truly incredible debut presentation. Given all the superfluous bands that put on a façade in the similar realm of Tanlines, what makes this particular effort inexplicably impressive is how it’ll resonate with you well after completion. It’s an outstanding achievement on any playing field, not just the one Tanlines are currently participating in.
Key Tracks: “Brothers”, “Green Grass”, “Abby”, “Lost Somewhere”, “Cactus”
Grade: 9 out of 10
Published by Mountain Views News on March 20th, 2012